Posted: 27th April 2020
Posted in: News
RICHMOND Valley Council has thrown its support behind Australia’s first-ever virtual field days event by providing Primex with a one-off grant of $15,000 from funding it received under the NSW Government’s Bushfire Community Resilience and Economic Recovery Fund.
The funding was provided through the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
The Primex Online Business Hub – Virtual Field Days Event is the brainchild of Primex Field Days Pty Ltd Director Bruce Wright, and aims to support both exhibitors and buyers at this challenging time.
The annual Primex Field Days are one of Richmond Valley Council’s signature events, with General Manager Vaughan Macdonald saying the three-day event puts Casino on the map and the Richmond Valley becomes a vibrant hub each time they are held.
“Primex is a great asset to our community with a long history, and I am pleased Council has again been able to financially support this outstanding display of all things rural and regional,” he said.
Mr Macdonald said he applauded the Primex team for its efforts to keep the field days “live” during these challenging times – and beyond.
He said the COVID-19 pandemic was certainly challenging the way organisations and individuals carried out their business.
“We encourage all local businesses to take advantage of the Primex Virtual Field Days – this is exactly what the NSW Government funding Council received is targeted at achieving,” said Mr Macdonald.
Mr Macdonald said Council had stepped up its own technological capabilities with the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange introducing online sales, Council live streaming meetings, and staff engaging with customers and each other via Skype for Business or Zoom.
“The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in considerable economic and social impacts on the Richmond Valley community,” Mr Macdonald said. “The ability to be innovative and change to suit the times is more crucial than ever before.”
The Primex Online Business Hub – Virtual Field Days Event will run from Monday 11 May to Friday 10 July, with an option to extend through to December. The revised dates for the physical Norco Primex 2020 are Thursday 10 September, Friday 11 September and Saturday 12 September.
For more information on the Primex Online Business Hub – Virtual Field Days Event visit www.primex.net.au, email [email protected] or call 0411 740 374.
For more information, or a comment from General Manager Vaughan Macdonald, please call Sharon Davidson on 0419 401 214.