Forestry & Timber Industry Hub

The Forestry & Timber Industry Hub at Primex is the largest and most comprehensive display of forestry and timber industry service providers and equipment in Australia. In 2025 there will be a comprehensive array of trade exhibits, industry and networking events, plantation visits and working demonstrations.

Industry knowledge and expertise will be concentrated within the Hub conveying the latest in forest research and management, as well as the machinery and technology essential for efficient production of timber products.


Excellent opportunities will be provided for networking and collaboration across the sector including an industry sponsored dinner on Thursday 15 May 2025. View event flyer – click here

The 2025 event is being directly supported by Timber NSW, Timber QLD, the North East NSW Regional Forestry Hub, the Forestry Corporation of NSW, NSW Local Land Services (Farm Forestry Unit), NSW DPIRD (Forestry Unit), the Australian Forest Contractors Association, and Forest & Wood Communities Australia.

‘Timber NSW in conjunction with the NE NSW Forestry Hub invites all industry stakeholders to attend the Forestry & Timber Industry feature at Primex. This is an opportunity for many in our industry to meet and network while seeing the latest in machinery, equipment, products and innovations that are critical to our industry throughout Australia and most specifically the northern NSW and southern Qld timber and forestry corridor’

Andrew Hurford
Chair, Timber NSW


‘As the peak industry body for the Queensland forest and timber industry supply chain we are pleased to again endorse the Forestry Hub at Primex 2025. This event is emerging as one of the largest forestry expos on the east coast and an important opportunity for suppliers, growers and timber producers to network nationally and particularly across Queensland and NSW. To that end we are very pleased to be co-hosting a side-event dinner in Casino with Timber NSW to provide additional value and networking for the industry.’

Mick Stephens
CEO, Timber Queensland

Primex is pleased to announce that the exhibition footprint for the Hub is being expanded to accommodate major new suppliers from Southeast Queensland in addition to accommodating the more than 40 forestry and timber industry exhibitors who attended the 2024 event.

The location of the event at Casino is ideally situated being near to the headquarters of dozens of wood processing and harvest and haulage businesses. Casino is also the gateway to vast tracts of native forest resources and extensive timber plantations. The venue will provide an accessible resource to those who work in the industry as well as to surrounding rural landholders and the public.

Australia Forest Industries contribute $24 billion annually to the national economy and directly employ 80,000 people. In northeast NSW the hardwood industry alone employs 5,700 people and contributes $700 million annually to the local economy. Just over the border the QLD industry contributes $3.8 billion to the economy and 23,200 jobs.

We encourage anyone with an interest in forests and timber processing to consider participating in this important specialised event.



Primex works with our suppliers and trade visitors to assist connection and building relationships, critical in meeting the needs and objective of suppliers and customers alike.

Currently receiving Expressions Of Interest for Primex 2025
15-17 May 2025
Register your interest – click here