Posted: 8th May 2019
Posted in: News
MANY of the best ingredients from the Richmond Valley food bowl will be on the menu at this year’s Norco Primex Expo (May 16-18).
The event’s rapidly expanding Paddock to Plate Pavilion will not only be showcasing the region’s incredible array of product, but expert chefs will be transforming the raw elements into sumptuous dishes.
Local peach grower John de Kleuver, from Hogarth Range, is part of the organising arm for Paddock to Plate, and says Primex is the perfect chance to show the rest of the world what is so great about this region.
John, who also grows nectarines, figs and loquats and runs cattle and pigs on his seven-hectare property, is canvassing producers from Hogarth Range and further afield to be part of Primex.
“The paddock to Plate concept is great. It is a chance for the 25,000 people who come through the gates at Primex to see what is grown locally,” he said.
Primex director Bruce Wright said Primex now had an association with almost 30 grower associations and peak industry groups.
“Across the 18 hectares of Primex and especially at Paddock to Plate you will see feature attractions for and from these groups, including berries, macadamias, pecan, tea-tree, meat and livestock, all sorts of fruit and vegetables … it’s a long list,” he said.
“Not only can visitors come to Primex to see and buy local product, but the local producers will come to show off what they grow, and to investigate the latest farm technology.
“Paddock to Plate is one of the big success stories of Primex. In recent years the event has broadened its appeal. We are now far more attractive to a wider demographic. It is a true family event.
“At Paddock to Plate we will have the head chef from Byron Bay’s Elements Resort producing some culinary masterpieces. Visitors can watch these dishes being made, buy the product and then go home and replicate the dish.”
This year Norco Primex celebrates 35 years at Casino. The event is a month earlier, kicking off on Thursday, May 16, and runs through until Saturday, May 18.